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minix neo x8-h plus android multimedia set-topbox and neo a2 lite (he-dmp-min-82700) and welcome to gadgetguideusa. thanks for tuning in. i̢۪m stephen kowalski andi̢۪ll be your gadget guide today as we explore the minix neo x8-h plus which is essentiallya media hub for android. in addition to that we also will be talking about the minix a2lite which is a wireless air mouse for android devices and window devices. i bought it asa package. both of them together but the neo a2 lite doesn̢۪t necessarily come with thex8-h plus. it̢۪s just the package that i happened to buy. so first we̢۪re going totalk about the minix neo x8-h plus. let̢۪s go ahead and get you can see this is the retail box that

it was shipped to me in. it’s a good lookingbox for what that’s worth. of course it has all your standard…it shows you someof the benefits and some of the features of buying this device. xbmc is one of the notablethings. 4k is something i’d like to note. i actually haven’t seen this displayed in4k but it says it’s capable but we’ll get to some of that. it also goes down someof the specs and if you’d like an updated spec sheet of course always check the endof my videos. not only is this video going to have the listed specs it’s also goingto have some of the specs i pulled up using benchmarks from the app store, 22, and maybea couple others. we’ll see how deep i go into that. of course if you’re interestedin that check the end of the video.

i̢۪m going to hide the neo a2 lite rightnow because that̢۪s not really part of the package.but essentially what was inside the box was of course the minix. and this is a prettyneat little box. it has quite a few ports there. of course you have your ethernet portfor internet. it also came with this wi-fi antenna. i currently have it hooked up overwi-fi right now because i didn̢۪t have an ethernet cord available but of course i wouldprefer that if possible but of course you have your ethernet cord for internet connection.of course you see the power supply plugged in. that came with it. this is one of my ownusb drives. it has some movies and things like that on it. and this is actually a usbdevice for the neo a2 lite. this does not

come with the box but i have it plugged inanyway. you can see it has an optical audio out, your hdmi plug and that’s what i hadit plugged into. you saw me unplug it. apparently it has a little reset button. it’s one ofthose little pins for recover. it has your microsd slot and it has a 3rd usb port. sothat’s a total of 3 usb ports. there’s actually 4 but we’ll get to that. and ithas some other plugins for microphone, headset and of course you can see that’s the powerbutton there. i don’t want to press that because i’m currently downloading some what i was talking about you can see the 3…i have two currently usb ports have a 3rd usb port here and your 4th usb port here it says otg which is for…itstands for usb on the go and that’s just

an overcomplicated way of dealing with theslave/master system but the end result is that you can plug this you can see it hasa female usb and a micro usb. essentially you plug that right in to the otg port andyou get a 4th usb port which is also it̢۪s actually a usb otg port so you can plug indevices to act as usb drives and things like that. if you̢۪d like to be more technicalof course you can always look at the wikipedia page for usb otg or usb on the go. it alsocomes with an instruction manual. i think it had 8 languages. so it has german, english,it looks like it has some chinese. i think that̢۪s russian. i̢۪m not really up on myforeign language. i suppose i could google translate it but there̢۪s too many languagesfor me to go through them all. the instructions

are pretty easy to understand. they don’tgo too in depth into any of the devices. obviously these android tv boxes are made for somebodywith some tech skills so if you’re not very technically coordinated i wouldn’t recommendand android box because there is some setup required in order to use all the use xbmc and to get everything you need…to get everything you want out of this box itrequires some technical savvy. of course if you’re just using it to watch youtube videosand watch netflix and maybe hbo go and things like that so this box would probably get youdone but to really get all the features out of it you’re really going to have to havesome technical knowhow. it came with a minix product brochure which is just kind of likea little mini commercial about some of their

other devices. and then it comes with an additionalmicro usb to usb chord. i didn̢۪t have any use for this. as you can see it̢۪s stillwrapped in the plastic but i imagine somebody will so there it is.this is the stock remote that comes with the minix. it will do everything you need. asyou can see you can go up, down, left, right and ok. you can go back. you can turn thevolume up and down. you go home and get into the settings menus. but this remote is reallylimited. one of the benefits to having an android tvbox though is that there̢۪s actually 100̢۪s of absolutely free android remotes on theapp store. so you just get on the app store and get some of the android remotes and youcan actually control this box using your phone.

that can be handy. it̢۪s not the greatest.of course there̢۪s always some limitations there but really it is totally possible justto control the box with your phone and it is actually really handy. i was kind of impressedwith some of the options. but remember there are get the most out of your minix what you̢۪re going to need to do is pick up this neo a2lite. like i said i bought it in a package but it doesn̢۪t necessarily come that way.i would definitely recommend it and then the neo a2 lite is a wireless air mouse and i̢۪llshow you exactly what an air mouse does. essentially what it does is it pretends to be a push this button right here and a little cursor appears on the screen and like i saidwe̢۪ll detail more of that more. but just

to compare these 2 remotes like i said i wouldn̢۪tuse the android box with the stock remote. i definitely lie the air mouse feature andit does have all your features. your home. your settings. your back. your enter. thisright here is what makes the air mouse go away and when you disable the air mouse itactually becomes a gyro. so you can actually when you̢۪re playing say android games, i̢۪mgoing to show you asphalt 8 here in a minute, you actually can turn using this. kind oflike a wii remote or something like that. it̢۪s touch sensitive. like i said it hasgyroscopes built in. you also have your play, your fast forward and your rewind have your volume up and down and you can automatically go to your apps. and anotherthing that i really like about the neo a2

lite is the fact that you flip it right aroundand the other side has not a full keyboard but a keyboard enough where you can do internetsearches. you can search on youtube and things like that so when you want to watch a gadgetguideusavideo you can type in gadgetguideusa and get right there and get quick. you don̢۪t haveto worry about clicking too much. there̢۪s still a keyboard available kind of like whenyou̢۪re using android phones. when you click on a field using this remote a screen popsup where you can scroll up and down and click keys one at a time. it is a very time consumingprocess so if you̢۪re planning on doing any searching or any internet browsing or anyyoutubing whatsoever i would definitely recommend this neo a2 lite mouse. it really wasn̢۪tthat expensive. i was pretty impressed with

the price and what the availability the next phase we̢۪re actually going to zoom in on the actual minix screen. minixhas their own operating system. it̢۪s a version of android they call metro. it shows somespecial tiles and we̢۪ll go ahead and get more familiar with that and begin exploringthat. what we see here is the minix metro which is essentially minix̢۪s own versionof android built specifically for their set top boxes. so you might notice some familiaritieswith android but of course the screen you̢۪re seeing now is pretty much a proprietarilyminix. they did a decent job. as you can see it̢۪s just flat tiles. it̢۪s not the bestand it̢۪s definitely not the worst. it̢۪s functioning. you can see up here in the upperleft hand corner it gives you how strong your

wi-fi connection is. if you̢۪re connectedvia bluetooth. the minix has full bluetooth capabilities so if you have bluetooth keyboards,bluetooth headsets and things like that they̢۪ll all of course connect right up to the minixjust like they do your phone. so essentially what i think of these things, the minix, isthat is essentially a phone that displays on your television. that may not be the bestidea for everybody but that̢۪s kind of how i think of them.of course minix has divided them down to a few categories here and essentially here itis. they it on a video, your xbmc which is the main reason i would buy this box. music,games, browser. i̢۪m not sure what these functions are. to be honest i never reallyused them so let̢۪s go ahead and click on

them and see. oh those are your online streamingoptions which i didn̢۪t play with. mirror cast for screen casting. oh and those areyour social apps. as you can see i haven̢۪t really tried to do facebook and things likethat on here but it̢۪s totally possible especially if you have the neo a2 lite with the can totally text and do things like that. then there̢۪s settings. and of course ifyou don̢۪t like this that̢۪s one of the best things about android and that̢۪s becauseit̢۪s fully customizable. as you can see i put the play store right there. that didn̢۪tcome stock. you can hit + and any apps that you use a lot you can just of course add tothe bottom there. i̢۪m going to add youtube and media center and anything else and goahead and click confirm and now we have youtube

down there.but let’s go ahead and talk about the video. it comes with the 4k movie player. that camestock installed on the minix box. youtube and netflix are both apps that i is to be noted that netflix of course i was playing with this at home and now i’min my studio. i was able to get netflix to show up to 720p. i could not get netflix togo to 1080p. i don’t think that’s a limitation of the box because i was able to get 1080pin some of the videos i watched so i think the 720p is a limitation of netflix. i believeso. it’s just something i couldn’t get to work. i’m not going to lie. i didn’tput too much time into it but as you can see i have some movies here on my usb drive. andwe have…we’re going to resume. i was watching

it. i mean as you can see here this keyboardor the thing will stay at…not the keyboard, the play/pause will stay up for a while. it’snot like you need them because i can fast forward using the a2 remote here. i can justclick fast forward and everything works well. i click play and it stops. i was really, iwas taken aback by the quality. 1080p. 1080p sound all via the hdmi cable. of course thisis a 28 or 32 inch tv so it doesn’t do justice to the hd but at home i was really impressedwith the video quality all the way around of the videos i watched at home. of courseon the netflix only pulling up 780p i don’t feel that’s super impressive. it wasn’t…itdidn’t look bad at all. it looked great it’s just not 1080p and i guess i’m anhd snob. but pretty much what that movie you

watched now i have it plugged into a usb driveso if you have any movies on a usb drive and pretty much all kinds of formats i didn’tgo through all the formats but i know it will do mp4. and of course you pull up the youtubeapp everything works great. i didn’t really check out the quality of the youtube apps.i’m not sure. i would assume it’s 720p as well but i know…i didn’t…ok i’mjust going to say i’m not sure about the quality. the quality looks great and i’mnot really sure of the actual specifications. as you can see here we’re watching the gadgetguideone of my videos and everything’s working great. the youtube app and everything.xbmc. xbmc was honestly the reason i purchased this android box. and i don’t have xbmcready on my studio here. but essentially what

it’s for is if you have videos on your homecomputer, on your home pc or anything like that you can stream videos directly to yourandroid box from your pc. xbmc is also called kodi. people use it pretty much interchangeably.xbmc what it stands for is xbox media center even though it’s not used on xbox it just goes way back to the day where people had movies on their pc and wanted towatch them on their xbox and it gave you a method of watching those movies on your tvscreen…or on your xbox through your tv screen while the actual data was on your’s very handy. it’s very neat. i really kind of regret not setting it up here buti didn’t have the whole video library and i don’t have kodi set up on my studio computerso for now you’re just going to have to

rely on my word the same. this xbmc app it̢۪sactually specifically programmed for minix. i think it̢۪s a minix version of xbmc. it̢۪sdefinitely by far, bar none, the best xbmc app i̢۪ve used. some of the other ones ihave at home as i scroll through my 3 or 4,000 movies in my library there̢۪s a little bitof lag. it̢۪s not really the end of the world lag but with the minix i had absolutely nolag. thumbnails pulled up automatically. i was really impressed. i would like to talkmore about xbmc but since i don̢۪t have it set up here in my studio it makes it kindof pointless but i will say that xbmc is one of the main reasons that i bought this boxand it works great. here is you music where you can store allyour music. it came with these the google

play music and this music app. i̢۪m not goingto lie. i didn̢۪t actually use either one of them. i̢۪m just going to assume they workgreat. my phone apps work great. i didn̢۪t buy this for a music box but the music optionis there and if you want to put any apps there you can. like i said this is fully can pull up games. as you can see i have a few games installed. if you want to adda tile to games you just click that + up there and it will take you to your apps. you canscroll down and you can add whatever you̢۪d like to the games. i will say that games iswhere i felt like the minix is weakest but that̢۪s also because i don̢۪t have an androidgame controller. i was able to play beach buggy using this. the graphics are great.everything was great. it̢۪s just the gyroscope

i couldn̢۪t get it to work with all the games.i did look at the minix forums and that̢۪s one of the greatest things about the minix.the minix forum has tons of knowledgeable people that will help you and if you haveany questions they̢۪re available and so as you can see i̢۪m just going to kind of gothrough here. everything looks very sharp. the games look great. i was able to play asphalt8 even though i couldn̢۪t redownload it. for some reason i think i actually erasedit while i was playing with it and it̢۪s a huge file to download and my studio doesn̢۪thave the greatest internet so i wasn̢۪t able to download the full 2 gig file or whateverit is. but i was able to download beach buggy. this is a pretty fun game. as you can seethe graphics look great and oh i didn̢۪t

turn the gyroscope on but right out of thebox not a lot of games will work unless you purchase an android game controller. i̢۪mgoing to recommend for the minix if you are going to do anything with the minix buy theneo a2 lite remote. the stock remote i mean it functions. it works well. it works fromacross the room but having this keyboard for typing and then also having the air mousefeature here so i can click on things without tiling is really, i think it is absolutelynecessary to have an air mouse. the fact that the minix neo x8-h plus doesn̢۪t includean air mouse right out of the box is definitely a minus for me. i can̢۪t believe you wouldsell this device without an air mouse. but fortunately this was rather cheap. i didn̢۪tpay a lot of money for it and it adds so much

functionality. my only regret is not buyingan android game controller so i could show you some more android games.i already showed you some of the online streaming and of course you can do your facebook andyour twitter and all that through here. anything with an app in the play store and we’rejust going to go ahead and click it. the play store is under the app market. you have thegoogle play store. don’t forget you have to have a google play account which is a gmailaccount and now you can go…you have full access to the play store. there’s i said you’ll really want to buy an android remote for it but you have all theapps available so if there’s anything you want to do. of course there’s some thingsthat you can’t do with the minix that you

can do with a phone. the minix doesn̢۪t havea camera on it so you can̢۪t use a barcode scanner. i don̢۪t know why you would wantto but i just figured that was there. if you want other things to stream it̢۪s definitelythere. so pretty much anything available on the app market for your phone will be availablehere. all the games and such. now we̢۪re going to go ahead and go to thesettings. the minix definitely has some settings that are not going to be available on yourphone. as you can see there̢۪s network settings. you can connect to wi-fi. you can connectto ethernet and there̢۪s some wi-fi̢۪s there that i could connect to. it has some hdmisettings. as you can see its set to 720p right now because i have it set to automatic. icould set it to 1080p. it went to 1080p when

i was at home because i have a 1080p tv. soof course you have all these other options and we have advanced options. and this actuallyhas a pretty impressive amount of options. so i don̢۪t know what mirror cast is so i̢۪mnot going to talk about it like i know it. you can turn remote controls on and off. googletv remote is off but i did have it on and that̢۪s one of the handy things about this.even if you don̢۪t buy the neo a2 which i seriously recommend you can use your androidphone at home as an android remote control. there are all kinds of free apps at the playstore. it doesn̢۪t cost anything else. just grab your phone. you download the app of yourchoice. i think mine is just generically called android remote control. everything works fineright out of the box. the only thing you have

to do is you have to make sure that your minixis connected to the exact same wi-fi connection as your phone and it̢۪s pretty straight forwardfrom there. i̢۪m not even sure what all these options do. application request to changeorientation. i guess that has something to do with screen flipping. since we̢۪re noton a phone i̢۪m not going to check that. keep landscape. it has usb audio audio options. i don̢۪t have the digital audio connected but i showed it toyou in a previous video how it has the fiber optic digital out. and now i guess we̢۪regoing to go to the advanced features. oh that was the advanced features.ok and then it has other features. so as you can see i switched to the air mouse and itshows you the android version number. build

number. all those things. so however and ithas more settings. i’ve never updated this out of the box but i imagine that it’s totallypossible as you can see this is your more familiar your android settings page. so ifyou have an android phone you’re probably familiar with this app list. you can go toapps and you can do everything that you want to do in your android phone. install appsindividually and pretty much do whatever you i went through everything. i know this video was kind of long but the end result…whati’m going to say about android tv boxes and the minix specifically. if you are planningon buying an android television box then i would definitely recommend a minix. i’vetried the tt box. a couple boxes straight

from china and the minix is by far the leastlaggy with the best polish of the set top android boxes that i̢۪ve used. so if i wasgoing to buy an android set top box i would buy a minix. as you can see i did. it̢۪sdefinitely better than all the rest. if i bought a minix set top box i would not evenuse it until i bought the neo a2 remote or some type of other wireless air mouse. i̢۪veused quite a few. a lot of them are good. the gyroscope here is sensitive. it has theair mouse. it has the, i think its 59 key keyboard on this side so it̢۪s definitelysomething i would recommend. i would not probably use the minix with the stock remote. it̢۪sjust kind of irritating to me. i would also recommend buying an android game controller.with that being said i wouldn̢۪t recommend

the android set top boxes for everybody. essentiallythey̢۪re just not for everybody. if you̢۪re a tech geek and you love techy things andyou want to get deep down inside and be able to customize your set top box android̢۪sthe way to go. as far as the set top boxes minix is the best of the bunch. this is aboutthe 6th or 7th i̢۪ve tried. i̢۪ve tried the tt box. a couple others. a couple thatwere straight from china and of course their hardware was almost as good as the minix butthe minix has the best hardware in addition to the xbmc app that is by far the most flawless,the best xbmc app i̢۪ve ever used. the most responsive. in addition it has the metro systemthat makes it a lot easier. and one of the main reasons i̢۪d recommend the minix isthe minix forums. it has tons of members.

everybody there was extremely helpful so idefinitely have to give by far the best android set top box is the minix.that being said if you just want to watch videos…if you’re doing this…if you’rejust buying a set top box so you can watch netflix, youtube, hbo go and hulu and allthose i’m going to recommend a roku or a chromecast. they’re a lot easier out ofthe box to set up. the user interface is a little bit better. i do admit the remote controlavailability on the roku and chromecast isn’t as good as the android set top boxes but youhave to buy them additionally so there’s pros and cons. and if you’re looking fora dedicated gaming device i’m going to recommend the ps4 and xbox 360. so that’s really theway i look at the android set top boxes. it

does a lot of things pretty well but it̢۪snot going to out-compete anything else. the minix isn̢۪t going to out-compete a gamedevice on games. it̢۪s not going to replace a ps4 or an xbox one. it̢۪s not going toout-compete the roku or chromecast on straight video because the roku and chromecast is justeasier out of the box. but if you want to be able to a little bit of everything. youwant to do a little bit of browsing. you want to do youtube. you want to do hbo go and thenwhen you̢۪re done with that you want to do a little bit of gaming and you̢۪re more thanwilling to buy the game devices necessary for it then the android set top box is foryou. the android̢۪s just require a little bit more tech savvy than everything does require a little bit of setup out

of the box. you have to set up your pc forxbmc and all that. so at the end of the day for the average user i would recommend a ps4and a chromecast or a ps4 and a roku. i’m personally a roku fanboy but i really don’tsee…i think in the future the chromecast will be definitely competitive if not betterthan roku. but like i said if you just want to do a little bit of everything pretty wellthen go with an android set top box. if you just want to watch movies go with roku. ifyou just want to game go with gaming. if you want a hybrid of everything that does everythingwell go ahead and pick up an android set top box.i do hope you enjoyed my product review today. comments are always welcome at the bottomof the page. subscribers are always appreciated.

thank you and if you have any specific questions,comments or suggestions please email me at thank you for yourtime.

Download Stock Rom mtech a8 Reviewed by Unknown on 7:05 PM Rating: 5

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