Download Stock Rom karbonn a51 plus

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hey everyone! you can now completelytransform your android device to make it look and feel like android lollipop! all you need to do is follow these 4 easy steps! step one: go to google play store and install 'nova launcher' install the app 'material wallpapers' from playstore select any wallpaper from thesematerial design inspired wallpapers! step two: basic ui elements install the app
'lollipop lockscreen' from play store. thelock screen shows actionable notifications. you can swipe left or right to clear a notification. swiping up takes you to the home screen. install the app 'heads-up notifications' from play store. notifications will popup on top of the screen. you can clear anotification by swiping to the left or right install 'fancy switcher'. open it.
go to settings. under style select lollipop and turn off the smart slider. if you've soft keys swipe up and selectfancy switcher to always, that way every time you swipe up you can access the new task switcher. step 3: stock app replacements install 'simpler contacts+dialer' as the namesuggests, this single app integrates both contactsand dialer.
it has wonderful material design ui and animations now press and hold the app icon and replace it with the phone lollipop icon. also swap out your original phone icon. install 'emoji keyboard for android l' open the app and follow the settings. i'llshow you the keyboard in a few seconds. install 'messenger' by google. and this is the keyboard that wedownloaded! as you can see the messenger app hasreally nice material design user interface.
install 'calendar' by google. this app has recently been given material design treatment. it's now beautiful and functional! install 'google play music' it has material design and its elegant and simple to use. step 4: updated material design appsfrom google the first three apps that you shouldconsider are google maps, gmail and chrome.
all of the 3 have been recently updated tomaterial design user interface. the next four apps you should consider are google drive, docs, sheets and slides. for the final touch replace the default drawer icon with the white lollipop icon. so there you have it guys. these are thesteps to transform your device into lollipop! hope this video helped you! don't forget to share withyour friends
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