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trevor johns: hello. welcome to android developeroffice hours for october 17, 2012. i'm pretty sure i havethat date right. alex lucas: yeah. trevor johns: good. sorry for the delayed start. for those of you who arewatching like, we've had a few technical difficulties inour studio this morning.

but we're ready to go. so for those of you who arejoining us for the first time this week, we're going to spendthe next 30 minutes or hour or however long it takesto go and answer your questions on androiddevelopment topics. we have a moderator queue,where people have been submitting questionsbefore the show. we'll be going throughthose questions. but if you are watching live,feel free to jump onto our

google+ hangout, where youcan go ahead and ask us questions live. and we'll go ahead and interleaflive questions in between the prerecordedquestions on google moderator. so with that in mind, let's goahead and get started on the first question onmoderator today. so this question isfrom australia. and i think the namethere is j. dixon. you'll have to forgive me ifi got that name wrong.

"it seems impossible to query myin-app purchase prices from the store using the api. ideally, i want to displaylocalized prices for my in-app purchases to my users. how can i do this withoutcreating a lot of mess and bundling prices for each--" alex lucas: each locale. trevor johns: --locale."thank you. all right, so alex, do you haveany thoughts on this one?

alex lucas: unfortunately, fromwhat i remember, it's not possible to query localizedprices. part of the reason for that isthe currency exchange rates are constantly fluctuating, andwe don't want to create a situation where you display oneprice in your application, and then when we go throughthe purchase flow through google play, the currencyexchange shift happens, and they get chargeda higher price. trevor johns: well, i think,actually, you can record

per-country prices. so if you are recording-- i think the old model would dolive currency conversion, while in the new one, you setall your prices for every product simultaneously. alex lucas: right. i think what they wanted-- at least from what i'm readingfrom the question, they want to set it once for one localeand sort of pull in live data

on the price for each locale. but like trevor said, i thinkwhat you can do is set the price individually for eachlocale, which is what i think you'd have to do in this case. if you want to create asituation where you are updating the price over time,say, in-app gold or potions or something cost $1, and youwant to drop to $0.50, or however you want to do that,what you would have to do then is set the pricing upon your own server.

and on an application start,just have it ping the server, check for new prices, displaywithin the app, or use something like google cloudmessaging to ping the application whenever there's aprice change, and then it can pull that data downoff the server. trevor johns: we do have a batchupload api for prices. so if you take all of yourprices in put them into a csv file, you can send those tothe google play developer console, and then youcan serve that

same csv to your app. and then they'd bothbe working off the same pricing data. trevor johns: all right. so let's move on tothe next question. this one is from reto meier,our own reto meier here in mountain view, california. we were going to go and try anddo a video question for this, but i don't think it'sgoing to work too well.

so we're just goingto go ahead and-- unless louis over herewants to go and try and pull it up live. but i think we're just going togo ahead and read this one out this week. so the question is, diceplayer,which was an app that was featured last week,actually, on one of the app review shows, displays a pop-outwindow, and it plays video even when the app'srunning in the background.

and you can sort ofdrag it around. it's actually a reallyinteresting effect, if you want to go ahead and downloadthe app on your own to take a look at it. but the question is, "howdoes that work? and is it something that'sgoing to break in future releases?" and i believe, alex,you found a library that actually lets you do this. alex lucas: yeah, so there'sa library available.

it's an open-source librarycalled standout. it's a third-party library thatlets you create little floating windows you can dragaround on your home screen. it's a pretty nifty-looking,always-on-top functionality, where you can even open otherapps, and the standout window will sort of floaton top of it. so this actually works-- so diceplayer is using thislibrary, standout. and standout actuallyworks by using the

system alert dialogue. in terms of will this breakin future releases, we can't say for sure. but the system alert dialoguewasn't designed with video in mind. so it's sort of an odd use ofthe system dialogue, and i wouldn't expect that to workwithout some update perversion from the developerof the library. especially difficult would bethe context of actually using

it to play video the waythat diceplayer does. i expect that to break in allsorts of corner cases unless the developers have beenreally careful about that kind of thing. for instance, playing a floatingvideo window on top of an application that'splaying other video. there's serious resourceallocation considerations there. trevor johns: yeah, i think thatpretty much covers it.

from a ui perspective,it's definitely an interesting effect. but it's not really the androidway of doing things. having a window that you candrag around sort of breaks the only in one application at atime ui paradigm that we go for with android. it is a neat effect, and thestandout library is impressive in terms of what they'veaccomplished. but i would say it shouldbe used with care.

trevor johns: right. let's move on to ourthird question. so another question fromj. dixon in australia. and so the question is, "within-app purchases on google play, is there an easy way tooffer discounts for a play account across all of ourin-app purchases? or would i have to writeand manage this?" so we don't really havea way to go and-- actually, we really don't havemuch of a way to offer

discounts, period. you could go and upload adifferent set of prices if you were, say, applying discountsto every in-app product in your in-app catalog. just update all the prices. it should take effect live. but if you only want to targetone specific user, we really don't have any way todo that on our end. you'd have to add some code intoyour application, which

is responsible for selecting adifferent in-app product based on that user. now that said, i'm going to giveyou a big caution here. and that is part of reason whywe have the concept of an in-app product and why you haveto upload all your prices to the server is to make surethat if somebody tampers with your apk, they can't go andpurchase one product at a different price. imagine that if we put theprices into your application

as code, and you just sent themto google play, it would be trivial to go and find thatstring and replace it with a different price and then getall your content for $0.99, regardless of what youwant to buy it for. so, in this case, it's a littledifferent in that you're still using anin-app product. but if somebody discovers thatyou're doing this, they could just go and modify the apk togo and select that different product id, regardless ofwhat user is actually

logged into the phone. so from a security perspective, this is a bit sketchy. so that's the one thing i reallydo want to warn you about here if you dodecide to do this. alex lucas: one alternativemight-- i don't know if this would work,but just playing through the scenario in my head, onething that might work is to not store the item id for thediscounted version of the item

on the device. just have it on your server andhave the user authenticate to the server. the server sends down thediscount item id. trevor johns: yeah,that would work. i mean, there is still a risk. if somebody just finds thatproduct id, there's nothing stopping somebody from goingand plugging it in there. but you'd have to actuallydiscover it exists.

you'd have to discover itexists, and you'd have to maybe mimic the user packetsfor something to get the item id. trevor johns: yeah, it isobfuscation, and so all the caveats that comewith that apply. but if it's just a smalldiscount, you might not really care that much. and that being said, theuser is still going to have to pay something.

so i don't think it's goingto be a big difference. so let's see here. "is there any way to do a routebetween two points with the android map api?" and thisis coming from brazil. so this is essentially drivingdirections, i believe, in which case the answer is ifyou're using mapview, no. but if you're using an intentto fire-- to load maps, i believe it's possible byjust using a maps url. alex lucas: i think so, yeah.

you could just fire an intentwith the destination-- trevor johns: it's anundocumented feature of maps, essentially. but if you have a url fordriving directions, like you'd get from the desktop versionof maps, there's a query parameter for source addressand a query parameter for destination address. and if you fire off the intentthat looks just like the url built on the desktop, the mapsapplication will offer to

intercept that and willgo and calculate driving directions locally. again, not possiblewith mapview, but possible with an intent. so this question is comingfrom andrew in romania. the question is, with androidawesome player, which is part of the video framework, themedia playback framework, they're getting an unexpectedabort prepare, notify listener of error, which is preventingthem from playing an mp4.

they're getting this error onandroid 2.3.4, and it sounded like it was across severaldifferent devices, looking at their stack overflow question. and the file, also,interestingly enough, it works fine when they're playingoff of the sd card. so that's really interesting. normally, when you see thosetypes of errors, it's because you've encoded your videoto use the wrong format. and i think in this case, what'smost likely happening,

if you look very carefully attheir source, they're actually retrieving the file froman https server. i can't say this for surewithout actually having the real url, which is not presentin your question. so if do have that, feelfree to ping us. we can take a closerlook at it. but my guess is it's probablyan ssl error, like the certificate's not trusted. alex lucas: but why would thathappen on the sd card and not

in the private search? trevor johns: no, if it's on thesd card, there's no ssl. alex lucas: oh, ok. so the other way around. it works except onthe sd card. trevor johns: no, otherway around. it works on the sd card. it does not work when theystream from their server. alex lucas: ok, so it's an sslerror, and they bypass ssl

because it's goingto the sd card? alex lucas: ok. trevor johns: well, yeah. that said, there's nothingin the logs that actually indicates this isan ssl error. this is just my best guess basedon the limited logs we have available. again, if you can actually giveus the actual url to the file, we can do a littlebit more diagnostics.

but just based on the limitedinformation available, that's our best guess. next question comes fromryan e. in utah. "i'm developing a resource app,but i have partners that only want to have the customersuse a specific version until they've qaedthat application. is there any way to restrictwhat version is downloaded from google play?" alex lucas: i'm a littleconfused by what they mean by

resource app. trevor johns: yeah, that was alittle unclear to me, too. my guess is it's essentially anapk that provides services to other apks. so the example, like,open table, right? it has an intent that youcan fire off to go and-- actually, to go and make areservation, or actually quite possibly something likea theme, right? it could be an apk that justcontains resources, which

actually would make sense. and then they're going andlooking inside that to load it to re-theme their app. interesting. so to their question, "is therea way to restrict what version is downloadable fora given user?" not really. i mean, you can't say, only gets to see version 3 and not version4, anything like that. trevor johns: well, i think evenmore generally, you can't

restrict the version, period. when you download an app fromgoogle play, you always get the latest version. alex lucas: sort of. you do have the option ofusing a multiple apk. and what that would letyou do is restrict per user based on the-- like let's say the platformversion or the size of the screen.

so what you would then do isbreak your apk into like three different versions. for instance, let's callthem 9, 10, and 11. and say version 10 only workswith phone devices, and version 11 is compatible withx large devices, which would include tablets. then when the user went tomarket, they would see version 11 if they were on a tablet, andthey would see version 10 if they were on a phone.

multiple apks, they don't workfor every situation. they will only let yourestrict based on the platform sdk on-- let's see, platform sdk, screensize, and gl texture. so you can't do a thing, likei said before, like, say, gets to seeversion 11, and everyone else gets to see version 10. so it depends on what criteriayou would want to restrict on. i'm guessing from the content ofthe question that you would

want to restrict on the versionof the other app. so the other version ofapplication a that's installed on the user's system woulddefine what version of application b was visible. and that's not reallycurrently possible. google play wasn't reallydesigned to work like that. you would probably have toeither implement some sort of very well-defined interfacebetween the two applications and just test the living crapout of it until you're

reasonably confident that youcan upgrade one of those without breakingthe other one. or you would have to releasethem in tandem or maybe have a side loading thing where-- actually, no, i takethat back. it is against the google playtoc to have an application that downloads otherapplications. so you wouldn't be able todo anything like that. it would really have to bea very well-defined and

thoroughly tested interfacebetween the two applications. trevor johns: so just onelast reminder here. we are getting to the endof our prerecorded questions for this week. so if you have any questionsthat you want to ask us live, feel free to hop onto google+. even if you don't have awebcam, we can accept questions via chat. but you have about, probably,two minutes before we're out

of questions, and we'll besigning off for the day. so this question comes from andyc. in perth, australia, who says, "i have a requirementto convert pcm files to mpeg4 files. can we have some demo code formod codec encoding, please." that's a pretty bigquestion there. you want to go andconvert from one file format to another. i don't think we have anypublished sample code that

demonstrates how to do this. alex lucas: no. generally, when we write samplecode and we publish official android sample code,it's for general-purpose stuff that's specific to the androidframework, that there's a reasonable assumption that a lotof android developers are going to want, and it'ssomething specific to android. this is pretty independent ofthe fact that it would be running on android.

generally, what you would wantto do is find a good transcoding java library. trevor johns: they did mentionthey'd looked at ffmpeg, which is actually a prettygood choice. alex lucas: it is agood choice, yeah. trevor johns: it's actuallylgpl licensed, too, so-- trevor johns: actually, ibelieve it's dual licensed-- lgpl and gpl. there were some licensingconcerns from the developer.

i'm afraid we can't actuallyspeak to those since we're not legal experts. but usually, lgpl is prettypermissive of-- it's designed to beused as a library. so you can usually includeit in other code. i think there were some cases,depending on which codec you used, the licensingstatus changed. alex lucas: from what i rememberwith lgpl, the rule was you could includeit with your code.

it wouldn't force you to gplyour code if you didn't make changes to the lgpl library. trevor johns: i think there aresome specific cases here where it's only gpl licensed. trevor johns: so if you do useffmpeg, be a bit careful with the license there. the ffmpeg developers do have apage dedicated to discussing the license. so they explained itin great detail.

but outside of that, anotheroption you could do would be to go and set up a web servicethat's responsible for transcoding. that way, you just have a copyof ffmpeg or whatever service you need that'll do thetranscoding on your server and then give back theresulting file. which is actually an interestingquestion there because you're trading offon-device cpu to do it versus network bandwidth, right?

does it make more sense to usethe device's limited cpu to do the transcoding or to uploadit somewhere else and have it do both? now, doing transcoding on thedevice will waste battery. but a lot of users also havelimited networking capability. alex lucas: but also, dependingon the size of the file, you could also burnthrough the battery. the issue with uploading andthen downloading is that you would be paying the pricein bandwidth twice.

you'd only transcode once, butyou'd have to upload a giant file and download. trevor johns: yeah, i thinktranscoding on the device probably does make themost sense here. alex lucas: probably. i think with this kind ofquestion, i would say just run some tests. part of it depends onthe common use case. like are you transcoding a3-second video of a kitten

playing with a ball of yarnor a full-length movie? because in different cases,you're going to have different ideal ways to handle them. trevor johns: yeah. and we still don't have anybodyon our live hangout. so with that, that's the endof our questions for today. thank you to everyonewho wrote in. we're here every wednesdayat 2:00 pm pacific time, answering your questions.

please, if you do have aquestion, submit it to moderator ahead of time. we can go and get you the bestanswers if the questions don't come in an hour beforethe show. also, we're trying todo something new. we tried to do it with reto'svideo this week. we'll be doing it nextweek, as well, too. next week, we'll actually beable to show the video. but we want to go ahead and haveas many of the questions

in moderator have videosattached to them as possible. so when you do submit yourquestions, it's now a new field in moderator that says"attach youtube video," and you just paste a url toa prerecorded video from youtube there. it's not required. you're still welcome to submitquestions the old-fashioned way with text. but if you do have a webcam andwant to take 30 seconds to

go and record your question,we'd love to see your face on the air. so please give it a try. and as always, let usknow how it works. you can reach us via our google+page, which is android developers, is the shortcut url to get there. and with that, i think that'sit for this week. alex lucas: yep.

trevor johns: so thanks,everyone, for joining us. and again, we'll be backnext wednesday. happy coding.

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