Download Stock Rom intex cloud power plus
DOWNLOAD FILE via Googledrive HERE
hi press power + volume up button for few second now the mobile boot into philz recovery move up/down by using volume keys now move on to "wipe and format option" select it using power button then another menu will open now move on to "clean to install new rom" option select it using power button
then select "yes-wipe user & system data" please wait until the process to be finished it will take to 2 or 3 minutes for the process, please wait........ wait..... now the cleaning process is finished.. now press button it will show the wipe menu now move on to "go back" option select it by using power button
now main menu will open,move on to "install zip" option and select it now move to 2nd option "choose zip from /storage/sdcard1/ then it will show the files in the sdcard then move on to the custom rom zip file then select using power button then select "yes - install zip" option now it starts the installation process wait until the installation process to finish it will take up to 5 or 6 minutes depends on rom zip
wait... installation process is finished now press power button to go back then again move on to "go back: option and select it using power button now select "reboot system now" then mobile will reboot automaticaly select "no" the mobile rebooted successfully flashed custom rom using philz recovery
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