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whatsapp youtube so today i want to showyou guys how to downgrade your ios device from 9.3 29 point-to-point 1 i'mon the latest 9.21 build which is 13 eat when me two hundred and thirty-sevenwhich was released tuesday march 29 or 28 sorry 2016 so you guys want todowngrade in the future here if apple isn't signing the firmware you won't beable to downgrade if they are signing 9.21 when you watch this video you willbe able to downgrade so just to kind of clear up some confusion in my previousvideos you really have to like the website that i suggest i would stronglysuggest using this website since you can actually see which firmware is thatmeans signs you know which firmware as
you can downgrade to make sure i put thelink in description you can head to your device here and then you can see herethat the earlier 9.3 buildings and being signed but the latest nine pointsrebuild is being signed as well as the nine-point 2.1 build is being signs soyou're going to want to download the firmware this being signed or thismethod isn't gonna work for you so as long as you are covered there you'll beable to downgrade no problem the process is the same as before soit's pretty easy to do you want to plug your device into itunes make sure you'rerunning you know the latest version once you've completed and downloaded thatfolder file sorry the firm or follow
your just gonna wanna hold the optionkey and hit the restore so if i hold the option key which is just right here downon the option key on mac you actually get this popup window where you cannavigate to where you see careful download someone should be just rainhere and as you can see the 9.3 and then 9.21 so i want to restore to this 9.21if you're on windows and you want to do this the process is the exact same guysall you have to do is just hold the shift key so instead of the option keyon america is the ship key for windows and you'll get this popup if you don't you just hate it now say you're on it'll do this and this is notwhat you wanna do now i've had a few
people ask and yes this does wipe yourdevice completely so make sure you have a backup of your device before you beginand will just begin here so i'm on ios 9.3 and we're going to downgrade to 9.2point one and then the process will be so i'm just gonna let it run and youguys can chill out and watch the downgrade so you can see the serial number oftheir the device i'm not going to change it oh it'll be the same device once wegot downgraded to 9.2 part 1 at this point if you receive an errorthat means apple isn't signing the firm or so the signing process basicallyhappened to rate when you see the itunes
screen there once the device reboots andyou get the bar underneath the apple logo here it just basically runs like anormal restore so i'll speed up the video for you guys 'cause this processcan take about five to 10 minutes depending on your computer and which theplace you're restoring again and restoring karen iphone4s but this willwork all the way up to the iphone's success also works on ipads all the wayup to the latest ipad see when the ipad probe and the ipod touch sixth editionand you in the pit the dishes if you're still using that so right now we're just gonna wait for thedevice to boot up and go through the
activation menu and here we are on ios nine-point 2.1and just gonna go through they are to be seeing quick are in here you go guys andanother successful downgrade here so as long as apple assigning the firmware youshould have no issues downgrading any of your devices to the firmware previousjust like shown here i'm back on i was nine point 2.1 thanks for watching guysmake sure you like this video share with your friends subscribe to the channelfor more videos and we'll see you again next time
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