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Download Stock Rom intex aqua n15


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good afternoon. the idea to improve our worldis to exploit the principle that use plants to make photosynthesis . for example, i wouldcreate and would give the idea of creating a converter which is based precisely on thisprinciple and improve the lives of everyone by using for example the co2 that transform along with the processes that occur in the plant like the solar energy, the water, etc and convert it into oxygen, in biomass and in glucose. here's my idea for artificial plant,a water tank with solar energy which is collected by solar panels and together with co2, theco2 emissions for example coming from the machines come together and it would be ableto convert to o2, to biomass that is an energy source and glucose that can be food to feed.all this must take place in a carbon fixation, the calvin-benson cycle and the chlorophyllwhich converts and there are artificial chloroplasts

and artificial stomata . here is my conclusion:we can use a basic principle of life to create a better world.

Download Stock Rom intex aqua n15 Reviewed by Unknown on 7:05 PM Rating: 5

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