Download Stock Rom intex aqua hd

DOWNLOAD FILE via Googledrive HERE
i in this video i will show you how tomodify android rom firstly you should know that you candownload official rom have any device by searching it on web and back up yourown rom using clockworkmod see description for related links toback up your rom open the official rom now you can noticethat the reason boulder call system and then click on abs this folder contains all the system maps that isn't built in your device you canremove the unwanted inbuilt abz will replace it with another usefulapps
et cetera now go back and open thefolder months you can hear also delete unwantedbond packages and add a new one make sure that the added bulk packagesin ttf format you can also edit the steps inthe boulder media you can edit default ringtones alarms notifications other tones but theaudio format should be in da to je je format you can convert any audio 2.0 gg withthe help of a format factory see description for the download linkwith little more observation
you can edit almost all parts of theandroid rom now clash the editor onto your androidmobile and notice the difference lease like this video and subscribe toget more updates visit my website check turned on dot com

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